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Spiral Rotary Electrostatic Powder Container Mixer

FHJ series container mixers are mainly made up of two parts. The container mixer part (see pic 1) is mainly made up of main mixer 1, shear mechanism 2, lifting mechanism 3, rotary speed reducer 4, hopper 5, cylinder locked mechanism 6, fixer mechanism 7, exhaust mechanism 8, right bracket 9, left bracket 10 and electric control system 11. The container discharge part (see pic 2) is mainly made up of hopper 1, locked mechanism 2, receiving materials mechanism 3, discharge materials mechanism 4, vibrate an-ti lag mechanism 5 and the electric control box 6, etc.
  • FHJ


  • 8474


 Mixing principle:

 push the hopper loaded with materials to the working position, and elevate it automatically, combine and lock with the container mixer. The hopper of the container mixer rotates 180 degrees.

Materials rise along the the inner wall of the container with the stirring of main paddle, and goes down at the center, which move by turbulent rotating under the function of the high-speed shearing action, and it can reach the perfect mixing results within few minutes.

 Then hopper returns to 0 degree, unlock and lifts mechanism rotate the hopper decline few millimeter, then the exhaust mechanism opens.

 After few minutes of vacuum cleaner, the hopper trundle touched ground, then close the vacuum cleaner and air-vent to complete mixing.

 Discharge principle: 

container discharge usually put the extruder above the hopper. 

When the hopper loaded with materials to the container discharge, the hopper touches the over travel-limit switch, then the lock mechanism locked hopper. 

The feed tube elevates to meet the butterfly valve of hopper, while the discharge mechanism opens the butterfly valve, 

the materials flow into the hopper of extruder. If there happens anti-lag in the hopper, manually operate the vibration anti-lag mechanism. The materials flows into hopper.



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